Invited Talk: George Shanthikumar |
Decentralized control of stochastic multi-agent service system
Burnetas |
Customer Equilibrium Strategies in a Feed Forward
Queueing Network with Join Topology
Bursi, Gebennini, Grassi and Rimini
Analytical modeling of part supply process in abin-kanban system with logistic trains
Chrysochoou and Ziliaskopoulos |
Stochastic Inventory Routing Problem with Transshipment Recourse Action
Colledani, Angius, Horvath and Gershwin |
Lead Time Dependent Product Deterioration in Manufacturing Systems with Serial, Assembly and Closed-loop Layouts
Decouttere, Vandaele, Hahn and Sens |
A multi-criteria contract manufacturing approachin a stochastic manufacturing environment
Economou, Grigoriou, Burnetas, and Vasiliadis |
Strategic customer behavior in queueing
systems with mixed/delayed
observation structure
Epp, Stoll, Scherer, Pagani and Furmans |
A decomposition approach for the calculation of the cycle time distribution of closed queueing systems |
Fadiloglu and Büyükdagli |
Continuous Time Control of Tandem Production Lines
Furmans, Schmidt, Meinhardt, Epp and Rimmele |
Analytical computation of sojourn time distributions in large scale conveyer systems
Konstantas, Grigoroudis, Kouikoglou and Ioannidis
A Simple Model of the Effects of Quality on Market Share and Profitability in Single Stage Manufacturing Systems
Kuhn, Wensing and Sternbeck |
Evaluation of case-pack sizes in grocery retailing using a Markov Chain approach
Lagershausen and Tan |
On the Inter-departure, Inter-start, and Cycle Time
Distribution of Closed Queueing Networks Subject
to Blocking
Liberopoulos, Takoumis and Pandelis |
Using shadow prices in a linear programing representation of Kanban system dynamics to maximize system throughput
Matta, Na, Lin and Shanthikumar |
Operational Learning of Approximate Analytical
Methods for Performance Evaluation of
Manufacturing Systems
Mindlina and Tempelmeier |
Analysis of a closed flow production system with a dynamic
WIP level
Mytalas and Zazanis |
Flow Modulating Effects of Inspection Stations in
Manufacturing Lines
van Ooijen, Bertrand and Büyükkaramikli |
Coordinating Failed Goods Collecting Policies and Repair Capacity Policies in the Maintenance of Commoditized Capital Goods
Oz and Karaesmen |
On a Production/Inventory System with Strategic Customers and Unobservable Inventory Levels
Pagani, Tollio and Furmans |
An analytical model to determine the reaction levels in a lean manufacturing system
Panda, Goswami and Banik |
Equilibrium abandonment strategies in a cloud
management system (CMS): A queueing approach
Pedrielli, Zhu and Lee |
Single-Run Simulation Optimization through Time
Dilation and Optimal Computing Budget
Rimmele, Furmans and Epp |
Discrete-time analysis of a 4-way-crossing in conveying systems under the dispatching policy round robin
Rotondo, Dagkakis, Young, Heavey and Geraghty |
Embedding Optimization with Discrete Event Simulation |
Tan and Karabag |
Cooperation on Purchasing -
Modeling and Analysis of Group Purchasing Organizations
Taxakis and Papadopoulos |
A design model and a production-distribution and inventory planning model of a multi-node, multi-product supply chain network
Shi and Gershwin |
Lead Time Distribution of
Three-Machine Two-Buffer Lines
with Unreliable Machines
and Finite Buffers
(production line movie) |
MacGregor Smith
Closed Finite Queueing Network Models with
General Service Time Distributions
Vrisagotis, Geranios and Vidalis
The effect of supplier interruptions on a merge supply network. Comparison between Coxian and exponential approaches
Vidalis, Koukoumialos, Diamantidis and Blanas |
Performance evaluation of a merge supply network: A production centre with multiple different reliable suppliers
Weiss, Schwarz and Stolletz |
Buffer Allocation Problems for stochastic flow lines with unreliable machines
Wu and Zhao |
Dependence among single queues in seies
Zhao, Li and Huang |
Analysis of Flexible Serial Lines with Setups
Zissis, Ioannou and Burnetas |
Quantity Discounts in Supply Chain Coordination under Multi-level Information Asymmetry